Tobacco Road

posted in: Literature | 0

When Erskine Caldwell wrote the novel Tobacco Road in 1934, the southern United States was still mired in the agricultural decline that began way before the Civil War and continued into the 1960s. My friend Jill Breckenridge describes its beginning … Continued

Dolphin Tail/Tale

posted in: Movies | 0

We just saw the movie in a nearly empty, late-afternoon theater. I imagine it if were about a moose who’d lost its foot, the audience would be fuller, here midcontinent, with moose, so say the experts, edging off our U.S. … Continued

American Riffraff

posted in: Mother, Literature | 0

It was my mother’s term, the snooty, smalltown mayor’s daughter from North Dakota–riffraff. Whom she meant, years ago when I began to hear her choice of words, I don’t know–maybe some of my teenage friends. But now it pops up … Continued