Giving Thanks Today

For sadness because my oldest lovely is gone, yet looking through the trees out back, I see her face hovering in the pine branches… Thankful  that she, Eleonora, had such loving care in Delaware, even through a topsy-turvy break, six … Continued

Margaret Hasse’s Poetic Exuberance

posted in: Poetry, The Arts | 1

Sometimes in a schematic mood, I divide poets into Emilys and Tennysons–Emilys belong to the pare-it-down, nail-it-tight school of poetry. Tennysons to the broader sweeping, celebratory school. Their music is different. They look different on the page–Emily’s tiny explosions, Tennyson’s … Continued


What inspired me to hang the humming bird feeder in the crab apple tree, early August? Maybe the dismal showing of those helicopter birds during my stint at the North Shore/Lake Superior? It was such a cold spring, then summer, … Continued